Programming in Python
for Kids


  • A child will learn the Python programming language, learn to create applications, games, chatbots.
  • The child will learn the principles of programming: algorithms, loops, variables, conditional statements, etc.
  • Program more than one project of his own to consolidate the material.

Python – programming for kids 9-16 years old – start your way in IT

Do you understand the demand for IT technology? Do you want your child to be able to work in this field? The online Python programming course is perfect for those starting out in the IT industry, adapted for school-aged kids.

Python is one of the most accessible, simple, flexible and in-demand (in the top 5) programming languages. It is written in it popular platforms today: Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, DropBox.

Python is essential for creating:

  • websites and WEB applications;
  • browser games and chatbots;
  • Artificial intelligence and robotics;
  • Google work on it. Python has variations of ready-made modules for different IT projects and is available to your child!

Why does a school kid need Python?

Knowledge of Python comes in handy for implementing all sorts of IT projects, analyzing data, and creating software products. Your child will understand how to use one of the leading programming languages to write code, compose algorithms, develop services and applications, create games and websites.

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Teachers at our online school give kids as much practice as possible. At the end of the course each student will have created more than one project of their own. Learning to program in Python will prepare your child for an in-depth study of the developer profession and other related IT professions.

Learning is individual, one-on-one with a teacher. 100% of your child’s time alone.


Data input/output, math

  • We will learn what are variables, data types “integer” and “string”, functions print and input, formatting strings.
  • Arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Integer division, remainder of division, rounding.

Working with math, random, turtle modules

  • Ways to import modules, using functions from modules.
  • Basic commands for drawing with the turtle module.

Modules are the ready-made code, built into the programming language, which helps to perform typical tasks. You can connect any module to the program using the importing mechanism. The student will learn how to import and use commands from the math module, which plugs in “advanced” math, and the random module, which generates random numbers and makes random choices. In addition, the student will learn turtle, a simple module for drawing lines and shapes on the screen using commands.


  • Data type bool
  • Comparison operators
  • If-elif-else statement
  • Boolean operators

In the course of the module, the student will encounter one of the most popular structures in programming languages – Conditions. The student will learn the Boolean data type, comparison operators >, <, ==, <=, >=, !=; simple and nested conditions, the construction if-elif-else, the operators not and in. If desired and depending on the student’s ability, bool, any, all, and ternary operators will be studied.

Along with the theory of Python for teens, the student will complete a mini-project called “Galaxy Quest”, several workshops consisting of problems on the studied topic, and at the end of the module they will take a final test on the whole topic, depending on the level of difficulty.


  • While loop
  • Endless loop
  • The control operators of the loop break and continue.

Throughout the module, students will learn how to create loops, start and stop their first infinite loop, learn how to use loop control operators and variables-counters to automatically stop a loop, make a loop with a condition inside, and complete several mini-projects (“Dice”, “Guess the Number”) and several assignments on the module
In addition to theory, the student will complete several exercises consisting of problems on the topic covered, and at the end of the module will pass a final test on the entire topic, depending on the level of difficulty.


  • The creation of a list and the elements of a list.
  • Minimum, maximum, and sorting.
  • List generators (list representation).

Lists are a popular data type for storing multiple objects. The student will learn what indexes and list items are, how to find the maximum and minimum in a list of items, and learn how to sort lists according to a selected criterion. In addition, this module explores an abbreviated notation of list generation – list representation.

Along with theory, the student will complete several practicums consisting of problems on the topic covered.

Additional modules

  • Module pickle. Writing/reading data to a text file.
  • The module of datetime and time. Working with date and time.
  • Terminal handling, installation of custom modules via pip package manager.
  • The pillow module. Image processing, drawing shapes on images, adding text and watermarks.

In this module we study more advanced modules of the Python language. The student will learn how to work with files on the computer, and using the programming language will automatically write sentences into text files and read the contents of text files; in addition, the student will learn how to read from a file and write to a file more complex structures, such as lists and future data types.

In addition to working with files, the student will encounter a module that allows them to work with date and time, learn how to install third-party non-standard modules through the package manager, and install a module that allows them to process images using Python.


  • Creating a function, arguments, parameters, return result.
  • Item and named arguments, default parameters.
  • Using the * operator.
  • Scope.
  • Lambda-functions.
  • Decorators.

Functions are another of the most common concepts in programming. In this unit, students learn how to create functions, what arguments and parameters are and why they are needed (and what they are), and how to return results from functions.

If desired and depending on the student’s abilities, the * operator and lambda functions will be studied to simplify the writing of one-line functions.

Developing a graphical user interface

  • Delayed start of the function. Using lambda expressions.
  • Exception handling: try, except, finally, else.
  • Messagebox and using exception handling.
  • Bind method for key bind.
  • The forget and destroy methods.
  • The pyinstaller module. Converts a .py file into an executable .exe file.

This module is more advanced and is optional. If the student is interested in designing and building interfaces, the tkinter module continues at a more advanced level: this will use delayed function triggering, lambda expressions, exception handling, and the interactive messagebox sub-module.


  • Creating Sets, Possibilities of Sets, Changing Sets
  • Intersection of sets, union of sets, difference of sets

Sets are a type of data, indiscriminately storing only unique data. In this short module, the student will learn how to create a set, how to convert other types of data into a set, how to find out if sets are equal, what are the properties of sets, how to find out if a set belongs to a set and the power of a set, and how to enumerate elements in sets, add and delete elements in a set.

If desired and depending on the student’s ability, extended set possibilities will be explored: set generators, intersection of sets, union of sets, difference of sets, check sets for intersection and non-intersection.

In addition, the student will learn how to solve problems using the tools and features that sets provide.

Two-Dimensional Arrays

  • Creating nested arrays,
  • Two-dimensional array generator
  • Finding diagonals
  • Array Unwrapping.

In this module of the Python for Kids course, the student will learn about two-dimensional arrays (or matrices in other words), and the module will talk about ways to apply matrices and solve problems that have two-dimensional arrays.

Object-oriented programming

  • Objects, attribute variables and the class constructor.
  • Arguments, parameters and methods of a class.
  • OOP paradigms.
  • Inheritance OOP paradigms. Encapsulation. Getters and setters, property decorator.
  • OOP paradigms. Polymorphism and operator overloading.

Object-oriented programming (or OOP) is one of the most important and complex concepts in programming. Using the example of game classes (Warrior, Mage, and so on), the student will understand what classes are, why they are used, and what benefits they provide.

A large theoretical block includes the creation of the simplest basic game classes (Warrior and Mage), the concept of class objects (creating specific characters), the class constructor (to create characters with ready-made characteristics), and OOP paradigms:

  • inheritance, where new, more complex game classes are created based on the base classes;
  • encapsulation, where access to some characteristics is restricted;
  • polymorphism, where in each game class the programmer sticks to the same variable and method names; in addition, overloading of operators (arithmetic actions and built-in methods) is studied within polymorphism.

Along with theory, the student will complete several projects and workshops consisting of problems on the topic covered.

Additional sections

  • Requests and BeautifulSoup4 libraries. The basics of web parsing.
  • Telebot or discord library. Creating a bot for Telegram or Discord and running a bot on Heroku.
  • The basics of Git. Versions, creating a repository on Github, init, add, commit, remote, push, and other commands.

Additional sections are given depending on the student’s preference and ability.

In this course, your child:

  • list Syntax and features of the Python3 programming language;
  • list Master the principles of programming (algorithms, loops, variables, conditional statements, etc.);
  • list Acquainted with the fundamental concepts and rules of programming;
  • list Gain practical skills in writing programming code, indispensable for further study of IT technologies;
  • list Learn to solve various problems using program code;
  • list Create a few projects of their own for their portfolio.